Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I almost went lunch alone...I did not know how bad it turns up,well I see the through friendship that I myself first time can't handle with care. Somehow, God has always prepared someone for me although it's not the best of all but for that 1 hour it was much appreciated!Thanks Naquib!

Things went haywire today,nothing came into my way but I put a smile and make it a day!I love you Jesus!

On the brighter side...


my oh-so-office-desk

I randomly took this picture,just because I manage to keep this Daisy survive for one week with the all my love watering!


we live to serve and love!


both pianist went goo-gaa!!

Finals rehearsal for Bloom Musical night,both pianist set fat apart but this happened;)



Went back to college,did not manage to sign up for next semester and we went for a short,yeh I mentioned SHORT shopping.

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